Do you want to joining some files and compress them into one destination files?. You can do it with your own programming using delphi by copying this code snippet below :
uses Zlib; procedure CompressFiles(Files : TStrings; const Filename : String); var infile, outfile, tmpFile : TFileStream; compr : TCompressionStream; i,l : Integer; s : String; begin if Files.Count > 0 then begin outFile := TFileStream.Create(Filename,fmCreate); try { the number of files } l := Files.Count; outfile.Write(l,SizeOf(l)); for i := 0 to Files.Count-1 do begin infile := TFileStream.Create(Files[i],fmOpenRead); try { the original filename } s := ExtractFilename(Files[i]); l := Length(s); outfile.Write(l,SizeOf(l)); outfile.Write(s[1],l); { the original filesize } l := infile.Size; outfile.Write(l,SizeOf(l)); { compress and store the file temporary} tmpFile := TFileStream.Create('tmp',fmCreate); compr := TCompressionStream.Create(clMax,tmpfile); try compr.CopyFrom(infile,l); finally compr.Free; tmpFile.Free; end; { append the compressed file to the destination file } tmpFile := TFileStream.Create('tmp',fmOpenRead); try outfile.CopyFrom(tmpFile,0); finally tmpFile.Free; end; finally infile.Free; end; end; finally outfile.Free; end; DeleteFile('tmp'); end; end;
That's all the script to join files and compress using zlib library in delphi. If there is something error in code implementation, please contact me by leaving your comment below...